Thursday, April 22, 2010

Okay. I know I haven't been updating regularly but craziness has ensued over here lately. I'm probably the least spontaneous person ever. I don't make quick decisions. I can't make a decision to save my life. But somehow I just bought a house 3 days after seeing it? What is going on? We went to an open house Sunday and signed the contract Tuesday. They called back an hour later to say our offer was accepted. It was crazy. So much to do. I'm sad to be leaving this house we are in now. I love it. It's so unique and cute. :( Why do I get so attached to things? Our new house will be great too. And its big - the reason for moving so we can start a family there. Home is wherever you are with the people you love, not the house you live in after all.
Anyhoo, obviously we haven't closed yet so lots could go wrong but fingers crossed everything works out for the best here.
That said, my workouts have been kinda blah and uninspired lately. I feel like I haven't been doing much even though I think I've run about every other day. An easy run yesterday (Wednesday), about 4 miles at a decent clip Monday, just not inspired. Today I just mowed the lawn. I missed speed night to meet with the realtor and should really get a long run in this weekend but I'm supposed to be on the road as well so we'll see. So busy, it seems like everyone wants a piece of us lately. And totally broke now as well :( My half-ironman dreams maybe over as I'm not sure how much money I'll have for a road bike after all this. Oh well. Pretty excited too. I'm trying to stay positive. Eating has been inconsistent too...I've been snacking entirely too much due to stress.

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