Friday, March 25, 2011

blah week

So, I'm having a very lackluster training week. I'm blaming it on the return of winter! Seriously, more snow? More cold? And next week doesn't look a lot better. sigh.

Anyway, I did do some intervals with the group Tuesday - the group in general is faster than me so I was feeling like they sucked but they may have been my fastest of the year
1/4 - 1:27/1:28 (evidentally I haven't mastered the art of the Garmin yet!)
1/4 - 1:29
1/4 - 1:33ish?
1/2 - 3:24
4 miles total. So, whatever. I felt like I should have done another int, for some reason I have it in my head that doing less than 5 intervals isn't really helping much...thoughts?

Did my strength training Wednesday and then just ran a couple miles yesterday. Nothing at all last weekend. So I should have tons of energy for my run tomorrow. I really don't feel like getting up early in the cold but we're busy later in the day so I'm going to do an early group run with a big hill. Probably about 6 miles, but if I can find a group that is running my pace I'll do 10.

Time is running out if I'm going to do a half next month so I'll need to get a 10+ run in soon.
I need some training tips for getting my 5k down to a 7:00 pace this year. And by mid-June I have a big goal for a sub 25 minute 3.5 miler.


  1. Ughhh my training this week was def lackluster! I was so excited/happy about the weather last week and was totally unprepared for 30 degree weather this week :(
    Your intervals look great :) My only advice for 7 min pace is to just keep keepin on and giving it your all in workouts. Maybe some hills?, I don't have too many hills by me, but I do incline intervals on the treadmill at 12%.
    I need to get a 10+ in soon too! I meant to do a 10er this week but with the cold I didn't get it done and 10 on the mill is a no go for me.

  2. Hope you are feeling better Katie! Thank you for the advice! Some hill repeats would definitely help, I remember when I was doing hills last spring it made my flat runs seem a lot easier. Hope you get your long run in, I'm planning mine for Saturday cold or not!
