Monday, February 15, 2010


So...I know I'm sort of not keeping up with the times here, but I haven't exactly got around to trying Yoga yet. I want to, I do...and I think I'd like it okay it's just that I don't know any of the poses so I can't do podcasts or anything and ideally I'd like to go to an actual class to get started. And, going to a class means fitting it in my schedule which I'm not ready to commit to yet. So, in lieu of Yoga, I kick it old school with my Winsor Pilates maximum burn dvd.

I haven't done this in a while (and by a while I mean like a year) but I wanted a rest day from cardio and something less strenuous since I need to do a speed workout tomorrow and wanted fresh legs. Now that I've done the pilates and remember how much it hurts I think I made a bad decision but oh well. The running time is abotu 50 minutes long. But, I'll be honest, it's a little slow moving for me. I mean not the exercises themselves but there's still some downtime in the transistions. Not bad though. And it hurts. If I did this more regularly I might be better at it but there are still a couple moves I really struggle with. I do the ab series pretty regularly so I have gotten a lot better at the "teaser" moves but I had sort of forgotten about the whole elephant walk push up thing near the end. Anyway, it's a decent strength workout and its definitely beneficial in terms of flexibility, etc. My abs and muscles always feel it, making it probably a bad choice to do tonight but a good choice overall.
Today was pretty uneventful honestly.
Dinner was salmon, asparagus and couscous but the rest of the day wasn't so great food wise. Meaning I didn't make the best choices. So I'll work on that tomorrow!
Night all!

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